How Can You Help?

Your support will help us to make life better living for poor vulnerable children.

As we speak, Gaza is enduring an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. The relentless bombardment by the occupation has left innocent lives in ruins, and the children, our future, are bearing the heaviest burden. They've suffered injuries, trauma, and displacement, and they urgently need our support. This is their cry for help, and we can be their answer.

Recent Causes

Stuff we've done with the money:


Family Food Packs

These packs are a lifeline for families who have lost everything. Each pack includes essential food supplies to sustain a family through difficult times. It ensures that no child goes to bed hungry, providing a glimmer of hope during their darkest hours.


Raised : $185,549 Goal : $1,000,000

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Water For All Children

Clean and safe drinking water is a basic necessity that many families in Gaza are struggling to access. Your donation can provide this vital resource to five families for an extended period, safeguarding their health and well-being.


Raised : $104,238 Goal : $1,000,000

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Cover Medical Expenses

Your generosity can cover the critical medical expenses for a child like Ahmed. It ensures they receive the specialized care they need to recover and rebuild their lives, giving them a chance at a brighter future.


Raised : $260,105 Goal : $1,000,000

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Emergency Medical Camp

By supporting the setup and operation of an emergency medical camp, you're enabling our teams to deliver life-saving medical care to a multitude of affected individuals. Your contribution can help save countless lives.


Raised : $204,560 Goal : $1,000,000

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